
Hathora Godot Addon

See the GitHub repo here:

Lead developer for the Hathora Godot addon. Hathora provides server orchestration, and already had integrations with Unity and Unreal. Hathora quickly spins up a multiplayer server and returns a host:port for players to connect to.

I developed Hathora's Godot integration (the "addon"), documented it and shared it with the community.

Editor plugin

Hathora Godot Editor Plugin. Editor GUI to generate a server build and deploy it to Hathora in just two clicks. Automatically generates a Dockerfile and a configuration file, compresses them into a tarball and uploads them to the cloud. The GUI is designed to fit into the Godot editor and adapts to custom themes.


Hathora Godot SDK (17 REST API endpoints). Wait for API results using Godot's await and easily check for errors.

func create_lobby() -> bool:
	last_error = ""

	# Create a public lobby using a previously obtained playerAuth token
	# The function will pause until a result is obtained
	var lobby_result = await HathoraSDK.lobby_v3.create(login_token, Hathora.Visibility.PUBLIC, Hathora.Region.FRANKFURT, {}).async()
	# Having obtained a result, the function continues
	# If there was an error, store the error message and return
	if lobby_result.is_error():
		last_error = lobby_result.as_error().message
		return false

	# Store the data contained in the Result
	lobby_data = result.get_data()
	print("Created lobby with roomId ", lobby_data.roomId)
	return true